A fence made out of wooden boards has many advantages compared to that of other
materials. It will not only protect the area but is also cheaper than brick or stone. Wood is not only an ecological choice but also aesthetically beautiful.
Fences can be very different: high or low, horizontal or vertical applications, protective or decorative. The choice of the ideal fence usually depends on not only the needs of the homeowner but also the style in which the house is built and how the environment is decorated.
The wood used in fencing also differs. For example, there can be boards of rectangular cross-section or fence boards with ‘softened’ corners.
The boards that are most commonly used in the construction of fences are as follows:
– single-cut boards. They are obtained by cutting a log lengthwise in one direction, so that the edges of the board remain barked and corrugated. While this is an economic option, the result brings out a more natural look;
– double-cut boards. These boards are obtained by cutting a single-cut board a second time lengthwise so as to cut both sides removing the bark. This gives a smooth, conventional board of rectangular cross-section;
– planed boards. Dried boards can be planed, thus obtaining a smooth and precise surface;
– calibrated boards. These are double-cut boards that pass through four-sided planers.
These boards have particularly precise cross-sectional dimensions.